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Core Beliefs & You

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to start off my initial mental health blog subsection by going over core beliefs. (I'm adding a visual guide here to aid in the conversation.)

In a very brief nutshell, core beliefs are a person's idea about how they view themselves, the people in their life, their world, etc. Think of it as a lens in which use to guide themselves in their daily life. These are not generic, over-the-counter lenses however: these lenses are specially crafted for each person individually.

People often experience things differently from everyone else. Although themes may be similar from person to person, overall it still unique to an individual.

Our core beliefs can be positive: "I am kind" "I am great at __!", etc. However our core beliefs can also be negative: "I'm not good enough", "I'm unlovable", etc.

These core beliefs manifest themselves in situations that vary from person to person. (Ex.: "It doesn't matter how hard I practice, I'm never going to be a pianist..")

The funny thing about core beliefs is that they are not given to us at birth, we learn them. Although negative core beliefs may be rigid and long-lasting, because we learned them somewhere along the road we can unlearn them. Is it easy? No, but it can be done.

By remapping these negative core beliefs, we can begin to help alleviate some of the negative consequences (I.E. feelings of inadequacy).

What are some core beliefs you hold for yourself dear reader? Are they positive, negative, or maybe a little of both? Whatever beliefs you hold for yourself, just know that you are not alone: many people hold similar beliefs about themselves. But just because you have negative core beliefs, and they feel real does not make it so.

I hope this has helped you slightly dear reader. Please refer to the attached image below, as it may describe everything more clearly.

My dearest reader always remember: you are one in a million and I like you just the way you are. You are worth it.


Anthony J. Mathias, MA

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