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How to Create A Viking Clan

At some point, there had to have been the evolutionary realization that people lived longer while with others to hunt, child-rear, and provide defense against their enemies. Those who were smart enough to join together inevitably passed on the genes that we continue to refine within each generation. Whatever the reason, we see that the strategy of togetherness has been successful, albeit a bit naive.

Tribe. People. Forming your Viking Clan is easier said than done. In a world where introversion is the flavor of the month and awkwardness is made cute and cuddly from shows like the New Girl, the fact remains that we live in a world where 2 people can lie next to each other in bed but are actually worlds away while staring into a box little over 4 square inches. And not in a sexy way. The theory is strengthened by the idea that we might just be one of the loneliest generations so far. We are slowly and painfully learning how to live separately and isolated amongst a crowd of people; feeling alone and misunderstood in a place where 20 people sit in close enough to bump elbows.

I keep seeing things around that talk about finding your tribe, and I realize the sentiment that resonates with other middle-aged and lonely people yearning for companionship. I reflect on the fact that making adult friends is a challenge. Where do you even meet them? Thoughts like "I should just call, or is a text more casual? Do people even pick up the phone? And what if they don't even drink coffee? What the fuck is Yerba Matte?!"

THis is the part of the article where we provide you with a listicle of 10 things to do to attract the right tribe. We're better than that here in the Ludic Lounge.

Creating your Viking Clan is about finding a bunch of other misfit toys that you like being around, and who might understand a piece of your narrative in a way that lets them provide you with enough grace to get through the difficult moments. It's about finding people, seeing them for who they are, and going to war for them. Fighting fiercely to maintain a sense of loyalty while being warm enough to wish them well when they are taken to Valhalla and are able to drink and fight with the Nordic gods each night. It is about building people up, knowing them, seeing them. Accepting and embracing their flaws while also embracing yours. And being present enough in the moment to cherish them in a way that makes the room feel safe.

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